Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Holiday Jingle Juggle!

                      Greetings, folks! 
Yarn Bowl Available on Etsy

Green Mugs:

First off, I hope everyone is doing well. In case you've been procrastinating, the holiday season has officially arrived! And just it seems like just yesterday I was grubbing on fresh veggies with my family at Thanksgiving dinner. This was my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian, and I have no regrets! No turkey coma for me, thank you! Luckily my Nana understood and wasn't the least bit offended. Turning down food in a Southern grandmother's kitchen is a cardinal sin in Georgia.

In weeks leading up to today I've tried to prepare myself for the holiday rush by making extra work and stashing it away ahead of time. I planned for a big outdoor show in October (The Cotton Pickin' Fair) the same way, gathering a few ever popular coffee mugs and sponge holders over time to insure I had enough product.

Yet, it happens again. I'm out. After numerous hours slaving away, planning accordingly, nothing is going as planned. And that's fantastic! It's a wonderful problem to have. Today I celebrate a huge milestone for LaurenBauschOriginal ( )...800 sales! I like the way the 8 looks. So much better than the 7. I know it seems petty, but it makes me feel like I've finally made it...Like maybe I've got this whole Etsy thing figured out. 
...And then I usually have a couple of slow days, and "BAM!"...
Off the pedestal I go! 

I'll be replenishing inventory in the next 2 weeks as soon as my upper respiratory infection goes away (Yes, I know...So convenient!). As for now, much needed rest is at the top of my list. To everybody out there, enjoy your holidays. Don't buy into all the rushing around and stressing over buying the perfect gifts. Enjoy your family and friends. They are truly the greatest gifts on Earth.

Friday, September 28, 2012

I Took a Break... The Value of "Me" Time...

I Did the Unimaginable...
I finally broke down and had to do it! Cigarettes? No! Alcohol? Nah! Crack? Nope...That's just whack! 

I took a break! That's what I did. I didn't make any pottery today, and I didn't glaze pottery either. Nope. I did other important things. 

I got an hour long Swedish Massage. This was needed! According to Marcy, my massage therapist, my back "had ripples". The long studio hours were making my back and shoulders feel as if they were knotted in a pretzel. This massage was no mere was necessity!

Then I cleaned the house. Our humble abode had become a cluttered, dusty mess. My husband has been terribly ill with allergies, and his contribution to household cleanliness has been none. He's a clean freak too! So I chased our poor little chihuahua, Gatlin, AKA Turd and Momma's Little Hemorrhoid, with my vacuum. I also cleaned bathrooms and our kitchen. Now I can stress out about the busy season around the corner and my huge show next weekend, not the messy house. 
It felt good too! Really good! 
Next week will be seven days of hell though. Glazing time...UGH! I HATE glazing pots.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Little Over A Year...And What Have I Learned?

So it's been a little over a year since I've last posted. I'm ashamed it's been so long. Much like many New Year's resolutions my goal to start blogging and reflecting on my work has fallen to the wayside. I've forgotten the value of self-reflection and the importance of stepping back and taking a break.

In a little over a week and a half I will be participating in one of the larger craft shows in Georgia: The Cotton Pickin' Fair. I used to attend this show when I was a kid. I never imagined I would be a vendor there. Here's the link:
If you've never done a craft festival let me tell you, it is nerve wracking! Even though I've done quite a few in the past 6 years the tummy butterflies and feelings of apprehension always find a way to creep back into my atmosphere. My husband finds it humorous when I get "into the zone". It's always at its worse when setting up the tent, tables, shelves and the pots. "How does this look? Is this the proper representation of my brand? Did I bring enough inventory? Will people like my work?"
I should have developed some confidence by now! In a little over a week and a half the emotional roller coaster will ensue.
In a little over a year this hasn't changed. I'm not sure if it ever will. Should it? 
When I stop caring about branding, quality, and appearance I should probably give up pottery. I know I am a perfectionist though...

In a little over a year and a half my husband has grown tired of the outdoor festivals and all the hard work and expenses involved. After a few shows that were definitely more trouble than profits, we cut back to Cotton Pickin' twice a year. We both really love the show, and the organizers treat us very well. This does matter! Heat, dust, portable toilets, and bugs can kill an enthusiastic spirit.

Scott is proud of how Etsy is working out for me. My shop, Lauren Bausch Original, is finally beginning to look professional, and I'm proud of my little online gallery. With the holidays just around the corner I've been keeping long hours in my garage shop... I know studio time will be a luxury during the craziness of Nov.- Dec.. Hold on tight! I was amazed at the amount of business I had last holiday season...especially considering how much better my shop looks now. I cringe when I look at my product photography in the beginning. 
I've also learned that people buy coffee mugs over the internet...Lots of mugs! I always thought about the tactile experience of buying pottery. How does the pot feel in my hands? That still amazes me.
The expression of thankfulness is most important though. I've learned that a thank you note means the world to a buyer whether the purchase is little or huge. I appreciate every little bit of business. 

Even though I feel like I can begin to give others good, sound advice on Etsy I also know that I've gotta keep on learning. As long as I'm eager to learn and work hard there's nothing that can stand in the way.

Until next time... Not another year though,
